We take a holistic approach to your health and wellness. Some healing methods such as medications and surgery only mask your symptoms. At Swickard Chiropractic we work to find and eliminate the cause of your problem, restoring optimal health once again.
Why Choose Swickard Chiropractic?
- Our staff is caring and knowledgeable, having been through extensive training courses to help better serve your needs.
- We offer a state-of-the-art examination and diagnostic evaluation using the Insight Millennium Subluxation Station TM.
- Our new office location and facilities offer a relaxing and healing atmosphere. Our family friendly environment ensures individuals of all ages feel comfortable and welcome.
- We accept most insurance support, including auto and workers compensation, as well as Medicare.
- We are a family wellness practice focusing on assessing your family’s total health.
The Vision of Swickard Chiropractic Clinic:
“We at Swickard Chiropractic are a family based wellness practice where our practice members are happy, healthy and energetic. They understand the awesome innate power of the chiropractic adjustment and its incredible impact on their lives. Our team educates and inspires our patients to make Swickard Chiropractic Clinic their choice for improving the health and wellness of their family, friends, co-workers and community. We will provide a calm and inviting setting conducive to optimal health, while delivering uncompromised and unparalleled practice member service. Our office operates with the conviction and belief that being subluxation-free leads to miracles.”